Please read my last post which mentions Alvaro Pardo first, for one specific incident by Stacey Stubblefield.
She had also raped me more than once, not just in this one situation. She raped me in a group of people having kids with each other and with kids--a "swingers party".
I love being Oliver's Mom & I hope my son gets legal emancipation as soon as possible, and moves to live with me. I witnessed U.S. human cloning programs with his older clone, who was sent to a military compound in FL at age 9. I was told he died at age 10 (by Avilas), then "Anna Chapman" told me, years later, he died at age 15 in a carwreck. The U.S. is murdering a lot of people.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Alvaro Pardo Colludes With Stacey Stubblefield and Cops Against Mexican Kid
Alvaro Pardo colluded against my son Oliver, another clone of him, in Germany when I was made to go there as a kid. He was standing around and specifically reported my son, claiming with Stacey Stubblefield that my son and his friend (or someone) had sexually harassed or assaulted Stacey Stubblefield.
I saw my son at the time of the alleged incident, and he pushed past Stacey Stubblefield and had not even grabbed her breasts, as she lied and claimed he did. They had a couple of other men who were their friends, colluding against my son because they hated him and me for our power over them and money.
Stacey and her husband stole money from me when I was a kid, and improperly used their adult and government positions to coerce me to agree to have a trustee of my funds "give them" some of my money. They used it to promote themselves and said she wanted to open her own OBGYN clinic one day.
When I had returned to Wenatchee in 2009, while still as a hostage by Alvaro Pardo and trying to escape from that, Stacey Stubblefield walked past me and smirked, going out of her way on the same day I had told Alvaro where I was going to pick up records.
I have no CLUE what Stacey or her husband consider themselves to be, religiously, because when I was a kid, both of them were atheists. If they are now "Christians", that is a cover for their atheist beliefs. They did NOT believe in God or have Christian values and she proved this by having her husband rape me, vaginally, with his penis at my house in Moses Lake, WA and in Germany (he raped me more than once at more than one location), and then SHE also raped me, forcing me to lie down on the group, part my legs and as she held my legs open with her hands, Stacey Stubblefield used her tongue to do oral stimulation around my vagina, going to my clitoris, around my vagina, and pushing her tongue inside of the opening of my vagina as far as she could, and then jamming a finger up my vagina after using it to stimulate the top of the inside of my vagina. Her last jamming of a finger up my vagina, was to suddenly push her finger as hard as she could, up against my vagina to the cervix, to "hit it".
Her husband Chris, opened the door to the room, and several U.S. persons did this, to make sure Stacey was in there, and they praised her for what she had done. Chris, Dan Gatti (so-called defender of victims against pedophiles and he's a pedophile himself), Louis Freeh, Bechtolds, Don Pryzbyla (FBI men) and others.
Stacey Stubblefield raped me on more than occasion. The oral rape by her in California, while she was visiting FBI offices in CA, was the most shocking because of the number of U.S. government employees who encouraged and supported her, and they also videotaped the incident. I was videotaped and camera photos were taken of the incident and the only reason any video would be made, would be to play it for others who thought it was funny to assault me, or to cause severe distress against someone who loved and cared about me.
I have been reporting rape against me by Stacey Stubblefield and her cop husband since I was 8 years old. I reported them a NUMBER of times, to people in government, outside of government, and I also published information about them online, repeatedly, and my story has not ever changed and I didn't make it up--it is the truth.
They were holding more than one of my kids hostage as well. The Stubblefields were and I was raped by Chris Stubblefield multiple times and by Chris Dabney who tried to blend in with Stubblefields and to mix or confuse things by shaving without a close shave so he had "stubble" when he assaulted me and a few other men did this, out of some kind of "tribute" for Stubblefields.
Stacey Stubblefield orally assaulted me the same way that a professional porn star would. Meaning, she used her tongue and did the rape of me, like someone who was experienced at giving other women "fellatio", like a lesbian or bisexual woman would. I saw her involved in "swinger's parties" when I was younger as well.
She told me to lie down and said, "I'm going to do something to you that you'll like" and I was told to lie down and she used my Mom there with her to make me do what she said. Then she had one of the Bob jrs. videorecording and Mike Middleton went in the room to take photos with a camera.
An older clone of Mike Tancer, and Forrest Tancer, and Joy, and their daughter with red hair, were also involved.
Stacey Stubblefield raped me with a dildo as well, jamming a dildo repeatedly into my vagina one time, in another separate assault, after her husband had raped me vaginally with his penis and I was bleeding from it. She said, "Maybe this will stop the bleeding" and she violently assaulted me and I screamed and told her to stop and she had my Dad say to me, "Are you going to shut up and be quiet?" along with James Comey. I said, "No, I'm not going to shut up and be quiet. I'm telling everyone what you corrupt sick people have done to me and my SON."
After she had assaulted me orally, in California, during a "lunch break" from FBI meetings, where they had taken me (they took me to San Diego FBI offices and to the Regional FBI offices in California, and one other office in CA there, in the same approximate vicinity), she checked back in with them, handed them off documents and things and then someone said, "So you're going to Kentucky now?" and she said, "I'm moving this weekend".
She was skipping out of the state the weekend after her plot to have me gang-raped. I heard something about how they were going to "Reno, NV" but also that she was moving to Kentucky.
Stacey was nervous when she started raping me orally and then she wasn't nervous at all. She acted confident and triumphant because I hadn't continued shouting "No" even though I did at first. She was threatening me with signals they used to keep me quiet, implying if I didn't say nothing, that they would torture me or kill me and she used to kill animals in front of me. She had killed animals around me with her husband, and she and her husband had also murdered one of my kids, a little kid, in front of me, to intimidate me into believing if she'd murder another kid, she'd murder me too. They used all of this torture and scare tactics to encourage Mike Tancer to rape me later. She had the exact same Mike Tancer, who was younger than me, with her at the time she raped me orally and there were several other little boys whose parents wanted to use to rape me with, around as well, after it happened, including Blixseths, Dabney, Bechtolds, Jim Cartright, and Tancers, Justin Timberlake, and more.
Stacey Stubblefield not only was raping me, she was molesting "Danny" and younger clones of my son, and she was controlling blond girls that were supposedly my daughters too. I witnessed Stacey pushing her finger into the vaginas of other little girls. She went on a rampage, raping multiple girls and boys with her government group.
It was not medical "exams". I was there and I saw what she did and she was raping the kids and the FBI wanted her to and let her do all of it. They also coordinated with State Patrol to pull over people and intimidate them while driving, and threatening with arrests and rape in jails with govt. men and guards.
Stacey and her husband tried to say they did this in retaliation for something they claimed my older clone did, but it was a lie because I could remember Stacey and her husband raping me when I was barely older than toddler-age. They had been raping kids, for no reason, just to rape them and promote child sex porn. She believed "kids should be free to have sex with adults". She viewed herself as "enlightened" and said she "supported" Prince Charles having sex with me and marrying me when I was a child because of this and then cited countries and historical groups that had no problem with kids having sex with adults.
When she was raping kids, she was also saying things like "This is for STEPHANIE". Stubblefields and the Maeirs were, and are, friends, and she also had the Campbells there and they were getting cocaine from them and they were friends. Both Stacey and Chris snorted coke on a regular basis. She was also friends with the Ericksons and they coordinated "child raping parties" together.
She was also with an FBI group that was mad at me for reporting rape of my son by Chris, which I witnessed. They said it was "gay sex" and started trying to indoctrinate me about gays and homosexuality and I said, "No it wasn't, it was rape, and not just that, Chris was an adult and he was not just doing this with adult men like my son, and forcing him, he was doing the same thing to a little boy who looked like him too." I said, "So are you trying to tell me little boys have gay sex with men?"
She claimed that's what was done by my clone to them and it was a lie. This is what they'd been doing to ME, for years, before any of this, and they were doing this to my kids too and I was even being taken to swingers clubs in Washington D.C. as a child.
I reported them and I had reported a number of FBI men raping my sons and daughters and me. I said my son was being raped and wasn't a homosexual pervert and he wasn't "gay" and it wasn't "natural" and men should be with women and not with men and not women with women and they were raping him. So then they started raping me with women more than before, and forcing me to lie there with my legs spread as Stacey raped me and Kristen Stewart was another rapist, for example. Then they were saying they were "proving" to me that a woman could "have sex" with a woman and meanwhile, they were coaching a younger clone of Mike Tancer to rape me later in the future, by showing him they had already controlled me to not resist being raped, by threats and signals used to scare me with the idea of my being murdered or tortured.
An older clone of my son told me, one time, that he was being raped and that one of the rapists was "Chris". Another was James. He wasn't just getting raped by govt. men as a little kid, they were still raping him, even when he was an adult man.
Instead of admitting to child rape, they tried changing the subject to homosexuality and wanted me to sound like a "prejudiced bigot" and make that the center discussion.
What they were doing, was raping me and my kids to control us and steal from us and use torture and rape to do it.
They also had Levi and another man trade guns and hold a gun to a Bob jrs. head, and made me watch a younger clone of my son Oliver give him a blow job, with blacks around and William of Wales, James Comey, and Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. James Comey also had his gun out. Another man who was immediately involved in this was John Jr. Gotti and his brothers. It was not just their Dad who was raping me and my kids, their sons were and not one single Gotti kid or Victoria has gone to prison, and maybe that's because James Comey was always invited at their house. William of Wales and Middletons depended on the Gottis to torture and rape my kids.
After the older clone of my son reported to me that Chris was raping him, they lured him into a govt. office and murdered that clone. They shot him. They also had a clone of my son forced to appear "gay" in Israel and disappear in Israel under Netanyahus.
When I was in Germany, it was another location used to violently rape me, and my son and Danny and a kid were encouraged to bump up against Stacey Stubblefield, by me. I was told to get them to do this by Bujanda, Alvaro Pardo and another military man and I said "Why do you want me to tell my son to do that? You want him to get in trouble?" and he said "No, we need a COVER and Stacey already knows and if you do this, we'll give you a million dollars because it helps us with the Germans" and I said, "Huh? you're going to give us a million dollars for my son and his friends to bump up against Stacey Stubblefield?" and I said, "So he won't get in trouble?" and he said "Nah, nothing like that". So I told my son to do this, with a couple of kids and Alvaro "reported" it to Stacey before they approached and she smirked, looking over at me and I thought, "Why is Alvaro whispering in Stacey Stubblefield's ear first?" and then when my son pushed past her, she actually turned into him so he touched her breast. She had been facing one direction, and turned to face the other way so it would be impossible not to.
Then they grabbed my son and a couple of others and tried to "arrest" him and did everything they said they weren't going to do, and then I was taken out to a building that night and gang-raped by all of the U.S. government and more men and they raped me vaginally and rectally and invited British royals to participate and Ben Netanyahu and some Germans.
They said if I reported them, they'd put me in jail for telling others to "sexually molest Stacey". I said, "I've already reported you and I'll do it again, and in the meantime, all you're doing is making things worse for yourselves because one day, your disgusting plans are all going to backfire." So when they raped me rectally and vaginally they pushed as hard as they could and withdrew all the way out and then again and said to each other, "The loudmouth is back-firing" and they said, "Is that a quaffe?" (some slang word for a noise like a fart from the vagina during sex or rape). And they said, "Here's another one in the hole" and were joking to eachother, 'Which hole are you using? top or bottom?"
I said, "I am also reporting the fact that you're asking the Dabneys which hole they should use". And then I looked and saw an older clone of Robin Bechtold standing there with George, and Mike Tancer and I said, 'Oh, it's Robin."
They were still actively raping me and I said, "Let me tell YOU something you disgusting FAGGOT--when the world hears about what the U.S. has done to me, when I'm a little girl, and my son and kids, when we've done nothing wrong and you repeatedly hold us hostage, force us to murder people including our own family and then traffick us around to gang-rape us, only the most perverted disgusting SHITs will want to be "americans" or to work for the U.S. military and I swear to God, one day, you will find every other nation against YOU and you'll be running for your ass, while everyone else is KICKING your ass, and YOU are going to lose the War."
I said, "So this is your little pathetic battle? to rape little kids and women? and just to STEAL FROM ME? when you're not even hostages like we are--you have nothing real to even fight for, just GREED, and that's REAL to you. So fire away you little shits, go ahead and keep raping me, just fire away and with each rape I will think about how marvelous the eventual revenge of God will be against you for it".
I said, "You're not the world. You're just one Nation, that isn't even under God anymore, and YOU are going to lose one day, and you're going to lose BIG, and on that day you might think to yourselves, "DAMN. I wish we hadn't raped Cameo and her kids".
Dabneys WERE there. They moved other men in front of Dabney so when I turned to look he was behind them. But those shits were there.
They stopped raping me and I said, "What's wrong? you don't want to rape me for saying your plans are going to back-fire anymore?"
So basically, they decided to quit for that moment and attack me again later and they never let go of their plots to rape me in the future or steal from me and my kids. I figured, "They quit because someone walked into the room or someone said quit for now"
The same asshole Dabney, raped me in D.C. in 2008 and said "Here's another one in the hole" and his Jewish cop friend Josh Gatov had raped me and said, "Is that a quaffe?" and Robin raped me and all of the same God damned shits raped me while others were out raping my kids.
Then when I was back home at my house they were making my Dad ejaculate on my back all the time with other govt. men saying "we back-fired on you".
Stacey Stubblefield not only raped me once claiming it was for "Stephanie", she raped me over Yulia Tymoschenko too and then the U.S. was trying to force me to agree to let Ukrainian Yulia raise clones of my kids.
Yulia had tortured me and I had reported her for this multiple times and as a defense, the FBI told my Dad to suggest "Yulia is your real biological mother" to think she was working undercover for me and hadn't really tortured me or only did so to gain evience against others. This was not the case.
She is also not the person I liked to sew with the most either. Everyone was trying to say I got motivated by hearing Russian language, and that I liked sewing because of Yulia and it wasn't true. I did enjoy some sewing with her and she did speak Ukrainian around me, but it was Russian, not Ukrainian, that motivated me and made me not feel as depressed.
And the sewing I did was with my older clone, who was a good seamstress, and some other woman I cut patterns with that I had liked and I'm not sure who it was but we used to do it all the time when I was little.
Yulia took me to Ukraine and tortured me and then at some point, I thought I was a Ukrainian. I thought and spoke some kind of Ukrainian or Russian language, but I know she tortured me because every single trip there and back on a plane, I was getting ultrasounded with extreme pain to my back. I was also forced on medical beds and raped and I remembered Yulia had raped me. No one wanted to admit it. I thought, as a baby or toddler, I believed I had been living in Russia or Ukraine for one full year. It wasn't maybe that long, but it seemed like a year to me. I was thinking in another language, not in English anymore. I also know I felt mature and superior at this age, not to others but as my own person and when they tried to remove me I believed they were kidnapping me from my home and I didn't want to leave. I'm sure I had Stockholm Syndrome wherever I lived, but I remember the U.S. moved me away from the U.S. and then forced me back and I also know I wasn't always happy because I was getting tortured and raped at some places.
I don't mind that Yulia appealed to various human rights groups for compensation or acknowledgement of being tortured, but she is also covering over my history and my story with her own life and I don't like that.
If she was doing humanitarian work, she wouldn't be trying to erase the history of my past. If she wanted me to remember situations, then why wouldn't she and the human rights groups file more petitions for me and my kids? Or find out why the UN has been unresponsive to me since others claimed Yulia and others were "raped"? All of these CIA people who stole money from me, claimed to me, when I was a kid, that they'd do something to help me remember a few things that happened to me, and yet none of them were supporting my right to be paid for my work or receive credit for my own work.
Every single one of them, just wanted to steal from me and try to make me think, as a kid, they were doing something for me in return, and they weren't. Hillary Clinton doesn't need to grasp at a point near her throat for a public photo the news publishes, to help me 'remember' things because what is the point? She steals my money and then makes a couple of symbolic gestures as if that's the trade-off?
What a joke. NO NO NO. These people ALL raped me and my kids. They raped me of my human dignity and rights.
I saw my son at the time of the alleged incident, and he pushed past Stacey Stubblefield and had not even grabbed her breasts, as she lied and claimed he did. They had a couple of other men who were their friends, colluding against my son because they hated him and me for our power over them and money.
Stacey and her husband stole money from me when I was a kid, and improperly used their adult and government positions to coerce me to agree to have a trustee of my funds "give them" some of my money. They used it to promote themselves and said she wanted to open her own OBGYN clinic one day.
When I had returned to Wenatchee in 2009, while still as a hostage by Alvaro Pardo and trying to escape from that, Stacey Stubblefield walked past me and smirked, going out of her way on the same day I had told Alvaro where I was going to pick up records.
I have no CLUE what Stacey or her husband consider themselves to be, religiously, because when I was a kid, both of them were atheists. If they are now "Christians", that is a cover for their atheist beliefs. They did NOT believe in God or have Christian values and she proved this by having her husband rape me, vaginally, with his penis at my house in Moses Lake, WA and in Germany (he raped me more than once at more than one location), and then SHE also raped me, forcing me to lie down on the group, part my legs and as she held my legs open with her hands, Stacey Stubblefield used her tongue to do oral stimulation around my vagina, going to my clitoris, around my vagina, and pushing her tongue inside of the opening of my vagina as far as she could, and then jamming a finger up my vagina after using it to stimulate the top of the inside of my vagina. Her last jamming of a finger up my vagina, was to suddenly push her finger as hard as she could, up against my vagina to the cervix, to "hit it".
Her husband Chris, opened the door to the room, and several U.S. persons did this, to make sure Stacey was in there, and they praised her for what she had done. Chris, Dan Gatti (so-called defender of victims against pedophiles and he's a pedophile himself), Louis Freeh, Bechtolds, Don Pryzbyla (FBI men) and others.
Stacey Stubblefield raped me on more than occasion. The oral rape by her in California, while she was visiting FBI offices in CA, was the most shocking because of the number of U.S. government employees who encouraged and supported her, and they also videotaped the incident. I was videotaped and camera photos were taken of the incident and the only reason any video would be made, would be to play it for others who thought it was funny to assault me, or to cause severe distress against someone who loved and cared about me.
I have been reporting rape against me by Stacey Stubblefield and her cop husband since I was 8 years old. I reported them a NUMBER of times, to people in government, outside of government, and I also published information about them online, repeatedly, and my story has not ever changed and I didn't make it up--it is the truth.
They were holding more than one of my kids hostage as well. The Stubblefields were and I was raped by Chris Stubblefield multiple times and by Chris Dabney who tried to blend in with Stubblefields and to mix or confuse things by shaving without a close shave so he had "stubble" when he assaulted me and a few other men did this, out of some kind of "tribute" for Stubblefields.
Stacey Stubblefield orally assaulted me the same way that a professional porn star would. Meaning, she used her tongue and did the rape of me, like someone who was experienced at giving other women "fellatio", like a lesbian or bisexual woman would. I saw her involved in "swinger's parties" when I was younger as well.
She told me to lie down and said, "I'm going to do something to you that you'll like" and I was told to lie down and she used my Mom there with her to make me do what she said. Then she had one of the Bob jrs. videorecording and Mike Middleton went in the room to take photos with a camera.
An older clone of Mike Tancer, and Forrest Tancer, and Joy, and their daughter with red hair, were also involved.
Stacey Stubblefield raped me with a dildo as well, jamming a dildo repeatedly into my vagina one time, in another separate assault, after her husband had raped me vaginally with his penis and I was bleeding from it. She said, "Maybe this will stop the bleeding" and she violently assaulted me and I screamed and told her to stop and she had my Dad say to me, "Are you going to shut up and be quiet?" along with James Comey. I said, "No, I'm not going to shut up and be quiet. I'm telling everyone what you corrupt sick people have done to me and my SON."
After she had assaulted me orally, in California, during a "lunch break" from FBI meetings, where they had taken me (they took me to San Diego FBI offices and to the Regional FBI offices in California, and one other office in CA there, in the same approximate vicinity), she checked back in with them, handed them off documents and things and then someone said, "So you're going to Kentucky now?" and she said, "I'm moving this weekend".
She was skipping out of the state the weekend after her plot to have me gang-raped. I heard something about how they were going to "Reno, NV" but also that she was moving to Kentucky.
Stacey was nervous when she started raping me orally and then she wasn't nervous at all. She acted confident and triumphant because I hadn't continued shouting "No" even though I did at first. She was threatening me with signals they used to keep me quiet, implying if I didn't say nothing, that they would torture me or kill me and she used to kill animals in front of me. She had killed animals around me with her husband, and she and her husband had also murdered one of my kids, a little kid, in front of me, to intimidate me into believing if she'd murder another kid, she'd murder me too. They used all of this torture and scare tactics to encourage Mike Tancer to rape me later. She had the exact same Mike Tancer, who was younger than me, with her at the time she raped me orally and there were several other little boys whose parents wanted to use to rape me with, around as well, after it happened, including Blixseths, Dabney, Bechtolds, Jim Cartright, and Tancers, Justin Timberlake, and more.
Stacey Stubblefield not only was raping me, she was molesting "Danny" and younger clones of my son, and she was controlling blond girls that were supposedly my daughters too. I witnessed Stacey pushing her finger into the vaginas of other little girls. She went on a rampage, raping multiple girls and boys with her government group.
It was not medical "exams". I was there and I saw what she did and she was raping the kids and the FBI wanted her to and let her do all of it. They also coordinated with State Patrol to pull over people and intimidate them while driving, and threatening with arrests and rape in jails with govt. men and guards.
Stacey and her husband tried to say they did this in retaliation for something they claimed my older clone did, but it was a lie because I could remember Stacey and her husband raping me when I was barely older than toddler-age. They had been raping kids, for no reason, just to rape them and promote child sex porn. She believed "kids should be free to have sex with adults". She viewed herself as "enlightened" and said she "supported" Prince Charles having sex with me and marrying me when I was a child because of this and then cited countries and historical groups that had no problem with kids having sex with adults.
When she was raping kids, she was also saying things like "This is for STEPHANIE". Stubblefields and the Maeirs were, and are, friends, and she also had the Campbells there and they were getting cocaine from them and they were friends. Both Stacey and Chris snorted coke on a regular basis. She was also friends with the Ericksons and they coordinated "child raping parties" together.
She was also with an FBI group that was mad at me for reporting rape of my son by Chris, which I witnessed. They said it was "gay sex" and started trying to indoctrinate me about gays and homosexuality and I said, "No it wasn't, it was rape, and not just that, Chris was an adult and he was not just doing this with adult men like my son, and forcing him, he was doing the same thing to a little boy who looked like him too." I said, "So are you trying to tell me little boys have gay sex with men?"
She claimed that's what was done by my clone to them and it was a lie. This is what they'd been doing to ME, for years, before any of this, and they were doing this to my kids too and I was even being taken to swingers clubs in Washington D.C. as a child.
I reported them and I had reported a number of FBI men raping my sons and daughters and me. I said my son was being raped and wasn't a homosexual pervert and he wasn't "gay" and it wasn't "natural" and men should be with women and not with men and not women with women and they were raping him. So then they started raping me with women more than before, and forcing me to lie there with my legs spread as Stacey raped me and Kristen Stewart was another rapist, for example. Then they were saying they were "proving" to me that a woman could "have sex" with a woman and meanwhile, they were coaching a younger clone of Mike Tancer to rape me later in the future, by showing him they had already controlled me to not resist being raped, by threats and signals used to scare me with the idea of my being murdered or tortured.
An older clone of my son told me, one time, that he was being raped and that one of the rapists was "Chris". Another was James. He wasn't just getting raped by govt. men as a little kid, they were still raping him, even when he was an adult man.
Instead of admitting to child rape, they tried changing the subject to homosexuality and wanted me to sound like a "prejudiced bigot" and make that the center discussion.
What they were doing, was raping me and my kids to control us and steal from us and use torture and rape to do it.
They also had Levi and another man trade guns and hold a gun to a Bob jrs. head, and made me watch a younger clone of my son Oliver give him a blow job, with blacks around and William of Wales, James Comey, and Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. James Comey also had his gun out. Another man who was immediately involved in this was John Jr. Gotti and his brothers. It was not just their Dad who was raping me and my kids, their sons were and not one single Gotti kid or Victoria has gone to prison, and maybe that's because James Comey was always invited at their house. William of Wales and Middletons depended on the Gottis to torture and rape my kids.
After the older clone of my son reported to me that Chris was raping him, they lured him into a govt. office and murdered that clone. They shot him. They also had a clone of my son forced to appear "gay" in Israel and disappear in Israel under Netanyahus.
When I was in Germany, it was another location used to violently rape me, and my son and Danny and a kid were encouraged to bump up against Stacey Stubblefield, by me. I was told to get them to do this by Bujanda, Alvaro Pardo and another military man and I said "Why do you want me to tell my son to do that? You want him to get in trouble?" and he said "No, we need a COVER and Stacey already knows and if you do this, we'll give you a million dollars because it helps us with the Germans" and I said, "Huh? you're going to give us a million dollars for my son and his friends to bump up against Stacey Stubblefield?" and I said, "So he won't get in trouble?" and he said "Nah, nothing like that". So I told my son to do this, with a couple of kids and Alvaro "reported" it to Stacey before they approached and she smirked, looking over at me and I thought, "Why is Alvaro whispering in Stacey Stubblefield's ear first?" and then when my son pushed past her, she actually turned into him so he touched her breast. She had been facing one direction, and turned to face the other way so it would be impossible not to.
Then they grabbed my son and a couple of others and tried to "arrest" him and did everything they said they weren't going to do, and then I was taken out to a building that night and gang-raped by all of the U.S. government and more men and they raped me vaginally and rectally and invited British royals to participate and Ben Netanyahu and some Germans.
They said if I reported them, they'd put me in jail for telling others to "sexually molest Stacey". I said, "I've already reported you and I'll do it again, and in the meantime, all you're doing is making things worse for yourselves because one day, your disgusting plans are all going to backfire." So when they raped me rectally and vaginally they pushed as hard as they could and withdrew all the way out and then again and said to each other, "The loudmouth is back-firing" and they said, "Is that a quaffe?" (some slang word for a noise like a fart from the vagina during sex or rape). And they said, "Here's another one in the hole" and were joking to eachother, 'Which hole are you using? top or bottom?"
I said, "I am also reporting the fact that you're asking the Dabneys which hole they should use". And then I looked and saw an older clone of Robin Bechtold standing there with George, and Mike Tancer and I said, 'Oh, it's Robin."
They were still actively raping me and I said, "Let me tell YOU something you disgusting FAGGOT--when the world hears about what the U.S. has done to me, when I'm a little girl, and my son and kids, when we've done nothing wrong and you repeatedly hold us hostage, force us to murder people including our own family and then traffick us around to gang-rape us, only the most perverted disgusting SHITs will want to be "americans" or to work for the U.S. military and I swear to God, one day, you will find every other nation against YOU and you'll be running for your ass, while everyone else is KICKING your ass, and YOU are going to lose the War."
I said, "So this is your little pathetic battle? to rape little kids and women? and just to STEAL FROM ME? when you're not even hostages like we are--you have nothing real to even fight for, just GREED, and that's REAL to you. So fire away you little shits, go ahead and keep raping me, just fire away and with each rape I will think about how marvelous the eventual revenge of God will be against you for it".
I said, "You're not the world. You're just one Nation, that isn't even under God anymore, and YOU are going to lose one day, and you're going to lose BIG, and on that day you might think to yourselves, "DAMN. I wish we hadn't raped Cameo and her kids".
Dabneys WERE there. They moved other men in front of Dabney so when I turned to look he was behind them. But those shits were there.
They stopped raping me and I said, "What's wrong? you don't want to rape me for saying your plans are going to back-fire anymore?"
So basically, they decided to quit for that moment and attack me again later and they never let go of their plots to rape me in the future or steal from me and my kids. I figured, "They quit because someone walked into the room or someone said quit for now"
The same asshole Dabney, raped me in D.C. in 2008 and said "Here's another one in the hole" and his Jewish cop friend Josh Gatov had raped me and said, "Is that a quaffe?" and Robin raped me and all of the same God damned shits raped me while others were out raping my kids.
Then when I was back home at my house they were making my Dad ejaculate on my back all the time with other govt. men saying "we back-fired on you".
Stacey Stubblefield not only raped me once claiming it was for "Stephanie", she raped me over Yulia Tymoschenko too and then the U.S. was trying to force me to agree to let Ukrainian Yulia raise clones of my kids.
Yulia had tortured me and I had reported her for this multiple times and as a defense, the FBI told my Dad to suggest "Yulia is your real biological mother" to think she was working undercover for me and hadn't really tortured me or only did so to gain evience against others. This was not the case.
She is also not the person I liked to sew with the most either. Everyone was trying to say I got motivated by hearing Russian language, and that I liked sewing because of Yulia and it wasn't true. I did enjoy some sewing with her and she did speak Ukrainian around me, but it was Russian, not Ukrainian, that motivated me and made me not feel as depressed.
And the sewing I did was with my older clone, who was a good seamstress, and some other woman I cut patterns with that I had liked and I'm not sure who it was but we used to do it all the time when I was little.
Yulia took me to Ukraine and tortured me and then at some point, I thought I was a Ukrainian. I thought and spoke some kind of Ukrainian or Russian language, but I know she tortured me because every single trip there and back on a plane, I was getting ultrasounded with extreme pain to my back. I was also forced on medical beds and raped and I remembered Yulia had raped me. No one wanted to admit it. I thought, as a baby or toddler, I believed I had been living in Russia or Ukraine for one full year. It wasn't maybe that long, but it seemed like a year to me. I was thinking in another language, not in English anymore. I also know I felt mature and superior at this age, not to others but as my own person and when they tried to remove me I believed they were kidnapping me from my home and I didn't want to leave. I'm sure I had Stockholm Syndrome wherever I lived, but I remember the U.S. moved me away from the U.S. and then forced me back and I also know I wasn't always happy because I was getting tortured and raped at some places.
I don't mind that Yulia appealed to various human rights groups for compensation or acknowledgement of being tortured, but she is also covering over my history and my story with her own life and I don't like that.
If she was doing humanitarian work, she wouldn't be trying to erase the history of my past. If she wanted me to remember situations, then why wouldn't she and the human rights groups file more petitions for me and my kids? Or find out why the UN has been unresponsive to me since others claimed Yulia and others were "raped"? All of these CIA people who stole money from me, claimed to me, when I was a kid, that they'd do something to help me remember a few things that happened to me, and yet none of them were supporting my right to be paid for my work or receive credit for my own work.
Every single one of them, just wanted to steal from me and try to make me think, as a kid, they were doing something for me in return, and they weren't. Hillary Clinton doesn't need to grasp at a point near her throat for a public photo the news publishes, to help me 'remember' things because what is the point? She steals my money and then makes a couple of symbolic gestures as if that's the trade-off?
What a joke. NO NO NO. These people ALL raped me and my kids. They raped me of my human dignity and rights.
Stacey & Chris Stubblefield Repeatedly Torture Oliver Garrett-Avila and his clones
to Bob, Dicksie
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Also, I will also note, that I made this comment about Stacey Stubblefield in the past and the FBI, that if they didn't like it they could take their job and shove it and this FBI is so corrupt they took that statement and saved up future hate crimes against me and Oliver had Stacey Stubblefield shoving him BACK up inside of my womb when he was trying to get out and no, I'm not exaggerating. What she did was very bad and extremely painful and serious and Oliver suffered from it, not just me bc his heard and monitors were all over the place from the pain. She attempted to kill him and she deliberately damaged me.
She was pushing him back UP the canal for over an HOUR and I am not lying. She also at one time said to the midwife, "Maybe I can push him back up and turn him around" and she admitted that this was something she was doing. She was also pushing a huge bruise-skull fracture into his head and it was deep enough he was bleeding from it and it was still bleeding at the same spot, 3 months later and I had photographed the evidence and that's when the U.S. started torturing me.
You need to know what a bitch Stacey Stubblefield and her cop husband are. The entire DHS and FBI covered for her and she's done nothing but commit violent crimes against innocent children, including me, and my son, and using her cops friends to threaten people in jail.
She is someone who should be killed or imprisoned for life for her "life-long work at harming us".

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:35 AM, LOREE Garrett <> wrote:
I need to get out of this town and area. I seriously need a bus ticket to at least be in another part of the state or get out of the state for work while I try to appeal this case with Sophia.More than that, I want to be out of this country. I can't live here and I've never been able to make money in this country and it's impossible with the FBI stealing from me and raping me.There is no excuse or possible way for me to ever forgive anyone from the FBI for what they have done and colluded to do against me and my kids and they operate in every single state.I need to have another job in another country. So do you know of another place where I could get work? I'm working on finishing my college degree, but I am also seriously wanting to move out of this country.Thanks for the supplies yesterday, by the way. I do still need a few things but that helped out a lot.I had some hair gel stolen, which I use, and make up that I use every day and I need new make up, and I also need a pr. of running shoes bc they were stolen. They are not in my house. I also need a pr. of shoes for work and some black nylons or leggings for job interviews.As to disability, I am not going to be on it even if you try, and you can try, but you said for "mental illness" and I'm not too disabled to work and they won't give me disability for that. I am also NOT going to agree or allow anyone to "try" to get disability for me for the following:delusionalparanoidpsychoticschitzophrenicmajor depressive disorderbipolarmanic-depressiveI don't agree with, and I don't want anyone suggesting to anyone else that I have any of the above disorders or any symptoms of the above disorders. The only symptoms I would agree I have is PTSD and the U.S. never likes that one, and even for PTSD, I would not agree to, or allow you to suggest I have the following symptoms of PTSD:mood swingsviolent outbursts or actionshallucinationsdelusionsparanoiapsychosisIf you cannot restrict your comments to not slander me to others, by suggesting I have any symptoms of above disorders (as listed), and limit your suggestions about me to mild PTSD for actual serious crimes that have occurred to me, and admit to human cloning as a real factor, then I will not be agreeing to mental illness for disability.It is conditional on your agreement that you will not lie about human cloning by the U.S. government and/or will only include the non-harmful information about me.Any of the above disorders I do not have and it is a lie to claim I do, and damages my reputation and image, my ability to work, my ability to get my kids back or file for damages, or raise them, and it also affects my career which has been mostly work as a nanny and with kids. If you slander me, and my career continues to be damaged, as Michelle Erickson and other Wenatchee people did to me by blocking me from running a daycare when I tried to apply before anyone complained about me, when I went to Wenatchee DHS to get info about signing up for classes for licensure, I will not be cooperating with you at all and it will be slander.If you want me to go on another form of disability, such as for childbirth damages by Stacey Stubblefield, that still applies. I still have pain from that childbirth and I would agree to disability for part impairment due to torture by Stacey Stubblefield, who works for the U.S. FBI.If the FBI doesn't like this, they can take their job and shove it.Love, Cameo
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7:53 AM (6 minutes ago)
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And what I mean by 'killed' is she should have the death penalty for her crimes, and she raped me vaginally, had her husband rape me, held me hostage, abused me to show Kate Middleton how she was on her 'side', tortured me in not just the U.S. but also in Israel when she was in Israel with us and a U.S. group (or I was led to believe it was in Israel), and then she was running off to Kentucky. She came back to this area specifically to target me and my son again and she is someone who stole my money and asked me, when I was a kid, to give her money so her husband Chris could go to cop college and pay for it and she could be a midwife and they'd "help" me and she was a liar who abused little kids. She did this despite the fact my own son, a clone who was older, had a significant problem with Stubblefields and had said no, and Mom or Dad, one of the Bob or Dicksies, had ALSO said no, do not help her or agree to anything.
She is a disgusting excuse for a human being and she's stalked me and tried to damage my entire life.

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:48 AM, LOREE Garrett <> wrote:
Also, I will also note, that I made this comment about Stacey Stubblefield in the past and the FBI, that if they didn't like it they could take their job and shove it and this FBI is so corrupt they took that statement and saved up future hate crimes against me and Oliver had Stacey Stubblefield shoving him BACK up inside of my womb when he was trying to get out and no, I'm not exaggerating. What she did was very bad and extremely painful and serious and Oliver suffered from it, not just me bc his heard and monitors were all over the place from the pain. She attempted to kill him and she deliberately damaged me.She was pushing him back UP the canal for over an HOUR and I am not lying. She also at one time said to the midwife, "Maybe I can push him back up and turn him around" and she admitted that this was something she was doing. She was also pushing a huge bruise-skull fracture into his head and it was deep enough he was bleeding from it and it was still bleeding at the same spot, 3 months later and I had photographed the evidence and that's when the U.S. started torturing me.You need to know what a bitch Stacey Stubblefield and her cop husband are. The entire DHS and FBI covered for her and she's done nothing but commit violent crimes against innocent children, including me, and my son, and using her cops friends to threaten people in jail.She is someone who should be killed or imprisoned for life for her "life-long work at harming us".CameoOn Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:35 AM, LOREE Garrett <> wrote:I need to get out of this town and area. I seriously need a bus ticket to at least be in another part of the state or get out of the state for work while I try to appeal this case with Sophia.More than that, I want to be out of this country. I can't live here and I've never been able to make money in this country and it's impossible with the FBI stealing from me and raping me.There is no excuse or possible way for me to ever forgive anyone from the FBI for what they have done and colluded to do against me and my kids and they operate in every single state.I need to have another job in another country. So do you know of another place where I could get work? I'm working on finishing my college degree, but I am also seriously wanting to move out of this country.Thanks for the supplies yesterday, by the way. I do still need a few things but that helped out a lot.I had some hair gel stolen, which I use, and make up that I use every day and I need new make up, and I also need a pr. of running shoes bc they were stolen. They are not in my house. I also need a pr. of shoes for work and some black nylons or leggings for job interviews.As to disability, I am not going to be on it even if you try, and you can try, but you said for "mental illness" and I'm not too disabled to work and they won't give me disability for that. I am also NOT going to agree or allow anyone to "try" to get disability for me for the following:delusionalparanoidpsychoticschitzophrenicmajor depressive disorderbipolarmanic-depressiveI don't agree with, and I don't want anyone suggesting to anyone else that I have any of the above disorders or any symptoms of the above disorders. The only symptoms I would agree I have is PTSD and the U.S. never likes that one, and even for PTSD, I would not agree to, or allow you to suggest I have the following symptoms of PTSD:mood swingsviolent outbursts or actionshallucinationsdelusionsparanoiapsychosisIf you cannot restrict your comments to not slander me to others, by suggesting I have any symptoms of above disorders (as listed), and limit your suggestions about me to mild PTSD for actual serious crimes that have occurred to me, and admit to human cloning as a real factor, then I will not be agreeing to mental illness for disability.It is conditional on your agreement that you will not lie about human cloning by the U.S. government and/or will only include the non-harmful information about me.Any of the above disorders I do not have and it is a lie to claim I do, and damages my reputation and image, my ability to work, my ability to get my kids back or file for damages, or raise them, and it also affects my career which has been mostly work as a nanny and with kids. If you slander me, and my career continues to be damaged, as Michelle Erickson and other Wenatchee people did to me by blocking me from running a daycare when I tried to apply before anyone complained about me, when I went to Wenatchee DHS to get info about signing up for classes for licensure, I will not be cooperating with you at all and it will be slander.If you want me to go on another form of disability, such as for childbirth damages by Stacey Stubblefield, that still applies. I still have pain from that childbirth and I would agree to disability for part impairment due to torture by Stacey Stubblefield, who works for the U.S. FBI.If the FBI doesn't like this, they can take their job and shove it.Love, Cameo
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7:59 AM (0 minutes ago)
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Stacey Stubblefield and her husband also lied and used their influence to attack one of my sons, claiming they were sexually assaulted to displace attention from the fact of my being violently raped to the point of bleeding, to give HER attention for her meager claim that someone had 'groped her breast' or pushed against her. She is a rapist and I had already filed a report against Chris Stubblefield for raping me and making a Bob jr. be present when he did. I had also been raped, violently, in Germany while a U.S. group was there, and trying to bribe people not to help me if I went there later as a refugee. She and her husband spoke German and wanted to be there and they are sick people.
Chris Dabneys and Dabneys Murder My Son & Steal Time From My Son
Chris Dabney murdered a clone of my son, and he stole time away from him, deliberately to steal money from me and upset my son.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Holly Avila and Pablo & Alvaro Pardo: Mafia for Govt.
Holly Avila and Pablo Avila have been working for the Mafia ever since I've known them. They also had visitors to their house from CIA and FBI concurrently, i.e., Valerie Plame (CIA, former U.S. Army) and her husband and Rick Baken (FBI).
The FBI and CIA organized "hunts" and had my son go with them on these occasions. I was invited once and had a bad feeling and said I'd just stay back and I didn't feel like going. The reason was because I believed someone, one of them, wanted to murder me after they got out into the woods and then call it a "hunting accident".
So I didn't want to go.
I was accused of not being part of the government and I didn't want to be part of it and they tried coercing me into it anyway.
Pablo Avila, when I was a little girl, had one of my sons, an older clone of Oliver, same kid, murdered, and supposedly for something to do with Dahlia or Ivory, and after his Mexican group murdered my son, Pablo held a skull in front of me and said "This is your son...hahaa"
He thought my son had "raped" Dahlia or insulted her or something, after I told my son Dahlia and Ivory were shoving things up my vagina.
The Avilas are way worse than most people know. People think the "Avilas" are this Mexican gang in Mexico, and there IS one, and Pablo actually happens to be related to them, and anytime he didn't think he could do something, he called on his "Mexico gang" or Mafia, to show up and some man who looked like "Jesus" with long hair and beard, would then beat up and sometimes appeared to be tring to torture or murder my son.
Holly Avila has also been dealing with and working with mafia a long time. She and "Victoria Gotti" looked somewhat similar and traded torturing me and my son. Then one day, after I noticed how often the "secret Holly" was turning out to be some terrorist, for the U.S. or Mossad or Gottis cover or someone, or CIA Plames, they were torturing me and I was being raped every single day and they were asking me if I wanted to join Middleton's "Mossad".
I said to them, "If you EVER try to claim you are "Christians" after all this, and this torture and murder against my SON, I will talk about all of this" and I warned, "Don't you EVER LIE and say you are a REAL CHRISTIAN" or I WILL!"
I was a kid and fed up with the hypocrisy of the entire government and some of the members of my "family". Mossad was a fucking shit Monster. They were controlling me and my kids to the point of "If you join us, you can raise your kid and won't have to fight us, and if you don't, you're on your own". They wanted me to "join" them just to find a way to snitch to FBI and accuse me of espionage to get rid of me. They had been dealing cocaine and forcing blow jobs from me since I was a baby. They were NO FRIENDS of MINE or my sons.
Not only that, I had said, "I don't WANT any COCAINE dealing or BLOW JOBS or RAPES in these ORCHARDS ANYMORE!"
You could ask any fucking Mexican in the entire town of Wenatchee if kids were raped in orchards and all of them knew about it. I was the ONLY one saying NO. It wasn't the fucking FBI. The FBI was saying "yeah, yeah, yeah!" The FBI loved kids ass. I was the one who said no more.
I said, "I don't want these fucking Goldsmiths and Middletons and their mafias coming into the orchards with their men and guns, and threatening people and demanding money and dealing cocaine and forcing people on the ground to be RAPED and to do "blow jobs" for every single Mexican orchard cherry and apple picker out there"
Which is what they were doing. They were forcing me to give blow jobs for all of the Mexican workers, and then giving them cocaine and sometimes money, and I was raped by almost all of them, just because they wanted to show "allegiance" to Middleton.
The other person who held up a skull to my face and bragged that it was my son, was Alvaro Pardo and he did this to me in Colombia, after the U.S. government trafficked me there, and he was holding me hostage.
Both he and Pablo Avila did this, and a couple of others like William of Wales.
My son did not ever want me to marry him and clones of my son pleaded with me to never be around Chris Dabney either, and these men murdered clones of my sons. The U.S. then used them to stalk me down several times, and for purposes of raping me.
The FBI and CIA organized "hunts" and had my son go with them on these occasions. I was invited once and had a bad feeling and said I'd just stay back and I didn't feel like going. The reason was because I believed someone, one of them, wanted to murder me after they got out into the woods and then call it a "hunting accident".
So I didn't want to go.
I was accused of not being part of the government and I didn't want to be part of it and they tried coercing me into it anyway.
Pablo Avila, when I was a little girl, had one of my sons, an older clone of Oliver, same kid, murdered, and supposedly for something to do with Dahlia or Ivory, and after his Mexican group murdered my son, Pablo held a skull in front of me and said "This is your son...hahaa"
He thought my son had "raped" Dahlia or insulted her or something, after I told my son Dahlia and Ivory were shoving things up my vagina.
The Avilas are way worse than most people know. People think the "Avilas" are this Mexican gang in Mexico, and there IS one, and Pablo actually happens to be related to them, and anytime he didn't think he could do something, he called on his "Mexico gang" or Mafia, to show up and some man who looked like "Jesus" with long hair and beard, would then beat up and sometimes appeared to be tring to torture or murder my son.
Holly Avila has also been dealing with and working with mafia a long time. She and "Victoria Gotti" looked somewhat similar and traded torturing me and my son. Then one day, after I noticed how often the "secret Holly" was turning out to be some terrorist, for the U.S. or Mossad or Gottis cover or someone, or CIA Plames, they were torturing me and I was being raped every single day and they were asking me if I wanted to join Middleton's "Mossad".
I said to them, "If you EVER try to claim you are "Christians" after all this, and this torture and murder against my SON, I will talk about all of this" and I warned, "Don't you EVER LIE and say you are a REAL CHRISTIAN" or I WILL!"
I was a kid and fed up with the hypocrisy of the entire government and some of the members of my "family". Mossad was a fucking shit Monster. They were controlling me and my kids to the point of "If you join us, you can raise your kid and won't have to fight us, and if you don't, you're on your own". They wanted me to "join" them just to find a way to snitch to FBI and accuse me of espionage to get rid of me. They had been dealing cocaine and forcing blow jobs from me since I was a baby. They were NO FRIENDS of MINE or my sons.
Not only that, I had said, "I don't WANT any COCAINE dealing or BLOW JOBS or RAPES in these ORCHARDS ANYMORE!"
You could ask any fucking Mexican in the entire town of Wenatchee if kids were raped in orchards and all of them knew about it. I was the ONLY one saying NO. It wasn't the fucking FBI. The FBI was saying "yeah, yeah, yeah!" The FBI loved kids ass. I was the one who said no more.
I said, "I don't want these fucking Goldsmiths and Middletons and their mafias coming into the orchards with their men and guns, and threatening people and demanding money and dealing cocaine and forcing people on the ground to be RAPED and to do "blow jobs" for every single Mexican orchard cherry and apple picker out there"
Which is what they were doing. They were forcing me to give blow jobs for all of the Mexican workers, and then giving them cocaine and sometimes money, and I was raped by almost all of them, just because they wanted to show "allegiance" to Middleton.
The other person who held up a skull to my face and bragged that it was my son, was Alvaro Pardo and he did this to me in Colombia, after the U.S. government trafficked me there, and he was holding me hostage.
Both he and Pablo Avila did this, and a couple of others like William of Wales.
My son did not ever want me to marry him and clones of my son pleaded with me to never be around Chris Dabney either, and these men murdered clones of my sons. The U.S. then used them to stalk me down several times, and for purposes of raping me.
Friday, May 13, 2016
I need money to fight the FBI over kidnappings of my kids and rape. If you would like to make a donation for any reason, and for my work on this blog or other blogs, please contact me at:
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